
Here at Apace FBC we exist to Glorify the Name of God above all things and in everything we do. We are Christ centered and the word of God driven, We uphold the beliefs of the Southern Baptist Faith which center on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. Jesus is the focal point of everything we believe and do.

The bible teaches that Jesus alone is the only Savior and He saves us when we repent of our sins, ask Him to forgive us and trust Him with our life because of His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. The Bible, God’s Inerrant word, reveals to us the blessings of the Kingdom and steers us to live as light in a dark world. His word declares we are His witnesses and ambassadors in this world as we walk with Jesus, strengthened, and given wisdom by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Our salvation is by Faith alone in Christ alone revealed by God’s word alone, resulting in the good works God has prepared for us to walk in, by His strength and grace we can accomplish the purpose He has set for our lives.

We believe in the power of the Gospel and seek to proclaim as we live lives on mission for Jesus.

Welcome to Apache FBC 

-Pastor Jon Syverson


  • The Second Annual Courts For Christ